Paths that cross in Brno

BICF began as a simple Bible study in a home many years ago. It was a group of believers meeting to worship, pray, encourage one another and be challenged to continue growing in their faith. What they noticed – and we continue to see – is that there were others whose life journey had landed them here in Brno. So the Bible study opened its doors to others and it grew to include people from all over the world. That’s who we are today.

Whether here for work or school or family, or maybe this is even their hometown, our paths have crossed in this place, for this time. We love that! And we want to seize the beauty and richness of that to make the spiritual journey of each person better. We enjoy the diversity of what God has created, even in us as people, and believe we can find fellowship and unity when we come together.

Our group has never become too formal or overly structured. Our focus is to the relationships and how we can help each other as we seek to know and follow Jesus. And we’re always ready to extend a welcome to anyone whose path has brought them here to Brno!

We are connected

We are members of the Evangelical Association in the Czech Republic – ea.cz

We are an affiliate of The Wesleyan Church – wesleyan.org

We are members of the International Christian Community – icceurasia.com

Our Mission

The mission of BICF is to honor God by helping people grow deeper in their spiritual walk, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, and equipping people to serve the community.

Our Goal

The goal of BICF is that we would together grow in humbly following our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We do that through times of worship, learning, in fellowship, by investing in our children, by caring for one another, and by reaching out with God’s grace and hope.

Sunday Service

What we believe

Kids and teens

Contact us