BICF Membership
BICF is open to the general public. Any Christian may be a member of BICF who has received baptism as a believer in Jesus Christ, who is over 18 years of age, and who
agrees with the statement of faith
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agrees with the values, mission and goals of BICF and wants to participate in their realization
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recognizes the charter of BICF
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Membership is not limited by nationality, gender, race, education, or economic status.
Brno International Christian Fellowship – Rights and responsibilities of members
A member of BICF shall have the right to right to take part in member meetings, the right to have a voice in meetings, and the right to vote on decisions made by members of BICF.
A member of BICF has the responsibility to live in a way that honors God and follows biblical principles, to carry out responsibly the tasks they have voluntarily accepted, to abide by BICF Statutes, and, in accordance with their own possibilities, to support BICF’s activities. A member of BICF must not engage in conduct that is incompatible with the mission and goals of BICF and with the values of community membership.
A member of BICF agrees to indicate his name on the list of members of BICF. This continuously updated list is recorded in both electronic and printed form and is maintained by the Leadership Team. Each member of BICF has the right to look at the list of members. Membership in BICF does not negate or obstruct the possibility of holding membership in another Christian organization or Christian church.
Becoming a Member
A person desiring to join the group as a member should:
- Contact a member of the Leadership Team who can walk them through the process.
- Read over the membership requirements and accompanying documents.
- Have a meeting with at least 2 members of the Leadership Team to discuss their choice and the fellowship.
A final decision by the Leadership Team will then be made at their next meeting. People will be informed within a week of the decision being made. To confirm the decision of the Leadership Team, the new member will fill out a simple form with name, date of birth, contact information and a signature.
Full rights and responsibilities of new members start immediately upon them receiving the decision of the Leadership Team.
Statement of Faith:
We believe in one God, who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and the Savior of all who put their faith in Him alone for the forgiveness of sins and for eternal life.
We believe that those who have new life in Christ are enabled to live a holy life, to witness and serve the Lord Jesus Christ through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the Bible as the supreme authority in all matters and as sufficient to guide us in faith and life.
We believe God wills for people everywhere to know Him and receive grace in Christ. This salvation comes through the blood of Jesus Christ, by grace through faith in Him, and is not dependent on works.
We believe that the purpose of the Church is to worship God in spirit and in truth, and to reach a lost and fallen world with the gospel of Jesus Christ through its worship, witness, and loving deeds.
Characteristics of the Fellowship:
BIBLICAL AUTHORITY: The Bible is the highest source of written authority for God’s plan for His people; it reveals how to live out that plan, individually and corporately. Beliefs, practices, and priorities are to be anchored in clear biblical teachings.
CHRISTLIKENESS: Jesus Christ is the defining feature of God’s will for all people. In Christ is found the highest and most practical meaning and clearest example for holy living or godliness. Christ is both our example and strength as we pursue faith, hope, and love.
DISCIPLE-MAKING: Making disciples is a clear mandate from Christ. This requires a strong focus on sharing his message of grace and journeying together in spiritual growth and holy living. Done effectively, this will produce and promote growth and health in the gathering of Christ-followers.
SERVANT LEADERSHIP: We realize that the authority and effectiveness of spiritual leadership is not primarily given from an organization, but earned and manifested by a loving and willing heart of obedience that serves God and others gladly. We desire to be leaders in serving.
UNITY IN DIVERSITY: There is God-given value in every person. Unity becomes all the more important and beautiful in light of the wide range of differences in personality, culture, race, talents, and perspectives. Valuing each other eliminates discrimination and allows us to truly share Christ-like love to one another.
The Mission
The mission of BICF is to honor God by helping people grow deeper in their spiritual walk, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, and equipping people to serve the community.
The Goal
The goal of BICF is that we would together grow in humbly following our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We do that through times of worship, learning, in fellowship, by investing in our children, by caring for one another, and by reaching out with God’s grace and hope.
Brno International Christian Fellowship, z. s.
Article I
Name, location and character
- The association bears the name Brno International Christian Fellowship, z.s. (Hereinafter referred to as “BICF”).
- The seat of the association is Dusikova 5, 638 00 Brno. BICF operates in the territory of the Czech Republic.
- BICF is an independent and voluntary association of members within the meaning of Section 214 et seq. Of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code.
- BICF is a legal entity registered in the public register and is of a non-profit nature.
- Organizational activities are motivated by Christian love and a desire to live out our faith in Jesus.
Article II
Mission and community goal
- The mission of BICF is to honor God by helping people grow deeper in the spiritual walk, sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, and equipping people to serve the community.
- The goal of BICF is to grow together as we seek to follow Jesus. We do that through times of worship, learning, in fellowship, by investing in our children, and by caring for one another.
- The mission and goals of BICF are achieved in particular through these means
- A) organize regular gatherings
- B) organize and encourage small group Bible studies, discussion groups, lectures, seminars, to teach biblical lessons and their application to current life situations,
- C) hold training workshops to equip people for further involvement in the activities of the community and for serving those outside of the organization,
- D) have times and activities devoted to fellowship and developing relationally within the community,
- E) serve those in our fellowship and those in need outside the group through acts of charity, whether in hospitals, social care institutions or other similar programs, or simply in practical need in their homes,
- F) put together printed or electronic media to help resource for growth, education, and social development,
- G) cooperate with Christian churches, religious organizations, Christian mission organizations, cultural and educational institutions, health organizations and organizations providing social services, government and state administration and other bodies,
- H) hold retreats, conferences, seminars, courses for the development and growth of people and for the teaching of biblical and relational principles and their application to life,
- I) work with children, youth and families, by organizing camps, trips, leisure activities, arranging clubs, courses, one-day and multi-day events, organizing programs for healthy development and education in the area of marriage, of parenthood and other activities,
- J) care for the spiritual growth of members and contribute to the education and training of Christian workers,
- I) cooperates with schools of all levels in the form of lectures, interest circles, educational programs, etc.,
- J) can achieve its goals in other possible ways compatible with the character and the mission of BICF.
- In its activity, it cooperates with other Christian churches, groups and organizations and assists them in carrying out a common Christian mission.
- For the achievement of its objectives, BICF may have its own staff entitled to financial compensation.
Article III
Membership in BICF
- BICF is open to the general public. Any Christian may be a member of BICF who has received baptism as a believer in Jesus Christ, who is over 18 years of age, and who
- A) agrees with the statement of faith,
- B) agrees with the values, mission and goals of BICF and wants to participate in their realization,
- C) recognizes the charter of BICF,
- D) respects and accepts the method of community organization described by the Internal Rules.
- Membership is not limited by nationality, gender, race, education, or economic status.
- Leadership Team decides on membership. Membership is conditional on the submission of a request for membership in which the person accepts the stipulations for who may be a member. The specific procedure and process of membership is specified by the internal rules of BICF. The members of BICF shall be informed of the acceptance of new members at the next meeting of members.
- Membership in BICF is void when members voluntarily remove themselves as members, permanently move away from the Brno area, pass away, or take part in actions that are in contradiction to membership commitments. Any change in membership status and the reason for the change will be presented by the chairman or Leadership Team in writing prior to a final decision by the Leadership Team.
Article IV
Rights and responsibilities of members
- A member of BICF shall have the right to right to take part in member meetings, the right to have a voice in meetings, and the right to vote on decisions made by members of BICF.
- A member of BICF has the responsibility to live in a way that honors God and follows biblical principles, to carry out responsibly the tasks they have voluntarily accepted, to abide by BICF Statutes, and, in accordance with their own possibilities, to support BICF’s activities. A member of BICF must not engage in conduct that is incompatible with the mission and goals of BICF and with the values of community membership.
- A member of BICF agrees to indicate his name on the list of members of BICF. This continuously updated list is recorded in both electronic and printed form and is maintained by the Leadership Team. Each member of BICF has the right to look at the list of members. Membership in BICF does not negate or obstruct the possibility of holding membership in another Christian organization or Christian church.
Article V
Structure and Community bodies
- The assembly of members shall be the supreme body of BICF.
- At the time between the members’ meetings, the Leadership Team governs. The Leadership Team is elected by the members.
- BICF Statutory Body is the chairman of BICF.
Article VI
Meetings of members
- Meetings of members shall be convened as needed, but at least once a year, on the basis of a decision of the executive leader. An extra members meeting may be requested by Leadership Team, the chairman or 30% of the members of BICF.
- Meetings of members decide on all important matters of BICF, in particular
- A) agreement on goals, strategies and plans of the fellowship, in accordance with the charter of BICF),
- B) decisions concerning finances and budgets,
- C) vote to choose or recall leaders for the fellowship – chairman, leadership team,
- D) oversight of chairman and leadership team decisions and actions,
- E) any changes to the charter by a two-thirds majority vote of all members present,
- F) decides on issues of community management, approves the budget and the results of BICF,
- G) decides on the voluntary dissolution of BICF,
- H) provides opportunity for contribution of ideas that help move the community forward in its mission and goals,
- H) is the space for discussion of individual issues of how the community functions, each member has the right to express their opinion,
- I) adopts any other fundamental community decisions.
- A meeting of members is quorum if more than 50% of all members of BICF are present. Decisions taken at the meeting of members shall be binding if more than 50% of the members in BICF are present. Every member of BICF has the right to vote.
Article VII
Leadership Team
- The Leadership Team governs BICF in the period between the members’ meetings. The Leadership Team has at least three members, including the chairman of the organization.
- The term of office in the Leadership Team is two years. The amendment to the term of office can be approved by the meeting of members, by a two-thirds majority of the present members.
- The Leadership Team shall perform the following activities
- A) organizes the documents for the members’ meeting and leads its program,
- B) manages the internal affairs of BICF and ensures the continuous fulfillment of its goals,
- C) decides on the acceptance or exclusion of a member of BICF,
- D) planning and organizing regular weekly activities of the fellowship,
- E) overseeing the collection and use of financial gifts,
- F) planning activities in line with the decisions of members
- G) recruitment of employees,
- Decisions of the Leadership Team are binding and valid when more than 50% of all Leadership Team members are present and in agreement.
Article VIII
Chairman of the Organization
- The chairman of BICF guides the course of meetings of members.
- The chairman of BICF is the statutory body of BICF. The chairman of BICF acts on behalf of BICF. That person is responsible for the activities at the members’ meeting.
- The chairman of BICF may delegate one of the members of BICF as their representative during their absence.
- The chairman of BICF may entrust the right to act on behalf of the organization to any member, in particular for financial acts, the holding of specific events, programs, attendance at meetings, or administrative matters,
Article IX
Managing the property of BICF
- The property of BICF consists of movable and immovable property and community property rights.
- BICF funds are being raised from
- A) voluntary contributions and donations from individuals and other organizations,
- B) the proceeds from activities in which the organization participates,
- C) grants for specific projects and programs,
- D) other sources.
- BICF can provide for its own ongoing functions, expenses, and special activities with the proceeds of funds received.
- The financial report and the budget are approved at the members’ meeting. Interim management of organizational finances is exercised by the Leadership Team in cooperation with the chairman or their representative.
- In the event of the cessation of activity of BICF, the property of BICF – after settlement of the obligations and receivables – shall be used exclusively for the purposes of Christian mission. The meeting of members shall decide on the specific determination.
Article X
Employees of BICF
- In accordance with the needs and extent of the activity, BICF may employ someone to serve the organizational needs. The employment of someone for the organization is the result of an employment contract negotiated with them by the chairman of BICF and the Leadership Team, and approved by the meeting of members.
- The employment of anyone by the organization shall be governed by generally applicable labor laws.
Article XI
Internal rules of BICF
- The details of BICF’s activities are governed by the Internal Rules of Brno International Christian Fellowship (referred to as the Internal Rules).
- The internal rules and their amendments are proposed by the Leadership Team and are approved by the meeting of the members by a two-thirds majority of the present members.
- The internal rules develop the statutes of BICF and regulate in particular
- A) the process for the election and revocation of the Leadership Team, the chairman of BICF and the members of BICF,
- B) describes and specifies further responsibilities related to organizational activities,
- C) details the statement of faith, the mission and the goals of BICF,
- D) include a membership application process,
- E) where appropriate, other matters.
Article XII
Final Provisions
- The text of these Statutes was approved and adopted by the Meeting of the Members held on 28.6.2017, which is confirmed by the Minutes of the Meeting of the Members of 28.6.2017.