I’m not an architect or a contractor, but I think I’ve got this right.  When a building is going up, getting the foundation to be firmly grounded on an immovable area is vital to the life and longevity of whatever building is to be built.  In the Bible, there are a number of places where our lives are metaphorically described as a house.  And here’s the thing – those same principles for building a physical house or store or wall or whatever, they apply to our lives as well.

Finding a solid place to build our lives on is crucial for our own life and peace and security.  If we choose a weak foundation, or if we decide to switch the way our foundation is aligned by putting in a less stable bedrock, then we risk impacting the “house”, causing cracks and eventually a complete collapse.

It’s no secret that there are many lives falling apart – perhaps you even feel that your life is struggling and you are doing all you can just to hold it together.  The answer to that situation is not to redecorate or change the pictures on the wall.  The solution we need to focus on is below the surface; it is an issue of the foundation – that on which we have built the rest of our lives.

Ask God to help you look back, deep inside, and consider the condition of your own foundation.  If there is something other than Jesus as the foundation and the truth of the Bible as the bedrock for you, then it’s unstable and prone to movement.  That’s not the way to build your life.  Good intentions and a pure motive can’t substitute for a firm and safe foundation that is stronger and more reliable than you or I or anything else ever could be.  Only Jesus can fill that role.  Allow him to be your foundation… and check in every now and then to make sure things are still aligning with him in your life.  There’s a beautiful “house” to be built.  It’s too important to build a pretty house on a lousy foundation.  Don’t do it.  God has offered you the foundation you need.  May it be ours today and always!